Walking is great exercise, right? In this article, Dr. Katie discusses walking workouts. In this article you’ll learn about current exercise recommendations and how you can meet them with your walking workout.
Category: Activity

Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance is a program that has been proven to decrease fall risk! Learn about this program, the components of balance and why we must challenge them, and how you can take a Tai Ji Quan course.

Research has found that over the past 9 months (approximately since the global pandemic began), there’s been an increase in sedentary behavior (sitting) and a decrease in physical activity levels.
For older adults especially, it’s so important to increase activity levels to boost brain health, strength, and bone density to help prevent falls, injuries, and even early death.
The good news is that we don’t need to “exercise” to increase our activity level. This article lays out 6 simple ways to decrease sitting time and increase activity level during the day.

A fidget blanket (AKA “sensory blanket”) is a great project to make for a loved one, client, or individual with dementia, Alzheimer’s, or some type of cognitive impairment. These blankets are essentially portable comfort to whomever you make it for. This article teaches you how to create a blanket from start to finish!

Forget where you put your keys? Having trouble remembering names? This could be part of normal aging, however, memory loss is a big concern for most of us. The good news is that there are things we can do every day that improve our memories. Better yet! They may be things you’re already doing!